Why A Security Presence At Your Sporting Event Is Vital
A professional security presence at any large sporting event is really a must-have. A sports arena is an an area that absolutely demands professional security.
A professional security presence at any large sporting event is really a must-have. A sports arena is an an area that absolutely demands professional security.
BOS provides security at my employer Best Western Athens, they do an excellent job patrolling the property and assisting the front desk staff. Since signing BOS on to do our security, our guest satisfaction ratings have increased as our guests feel safer choosing us for accommodations knowing that we will have a security guard patrolling the property throughout the evening.
I am proud to be apart of BOS Security. BOS is a great company to work with. BOS cares about the employees and is a growing company. BOS Security has good pay and is like family . I intend to stay with BOS Security. I believe in this company. Good benefits.
BOS Security always does an excellent job.
Their team is knowledgeable and professional in carrying out their duties as well as dealing with the flying public on a daily basis. They are attentive to the TSA Standard Operating Procedures to insure the safety of the nation’s air system. The BOS Team consistently performs extremely well on their test assessments as well as periodic, random internal tests.
BOS Security has done an outstanding job and I look forward to working with them for many years to come.