VirtuGuard™ remotely monitors an outdoor shopping center and its parking lots in the Atlanta area. One night at approximately 1:46am, Agents were conducting a virtual patrol when they observed several vehicles arrive in the empty parking lot. Those vehicles began racing around the parking lot at extreme speeds and drifting dangerously close to each other.
VirtuGuard™ immediately contacted the local police department to report the ongoing and dangerous activities. While on the line with the dispatcher, several more vehicles arrived, and a large crowd of onlookers began to gather around.
Agents also attempted to deliver Voice Downs through audio speakers throughout the property. Agents alerted the trespassers that they were being monitored and recorded and that if they did not vacate the property, police would be dispatched. However, the Voice Downs were either ignored or could not be heard over the activity in the parking lot.
After approximately 10 minutes, the crowd surrounding the vehicles had grown to a couple hundred bystanders. The incident was becoming increasingly dangerous, as the vehicles narrowly missed bystanders while drifting.
At approximately 2:00am, several police units arrived on scene. As the Officers approached the crowd in their vehicles, the large crowd began to disperse and the vehicles that were racing quickly sped away towards the exit.
VirtuGuard™ observed as the parking lot quickly cleared and police stayed onsite until all of the trespassers vacated the property.
Quick observation and action taken by VirtuGuard™ halted dangerous and illegal behavior occurring at a commercial business after hours. To learn more about how VirtuGuard™ can protect your property, complete the contact form below.