Frequently Asked Questions

What people want to know about VirtuGuard™ nationwide remote security monitoring service.

What Is VirtuGuard™?

VirtuGuard™ is an interactive remote monitoring or virtual guard service offered by BOS Security. From our Command Centers, headquartered in Athens, Georgia, VirtuGuard™ Agents have access to live video surveillance streams and recorded video from your locations through security cameras and other infrastructure installed on your property. This security infrastructure, combined with AI (Artificial Intelligence) technologies, alerts Agents in our command centers to activity/events as they occur in near real-time. The Command Center Team then reacts accordingly to your site-specific protocols.    Additionally, VirtuGuard™ services can replace or most certainly supplement on-site security officers by responding to AI-created events or by being proactive and conducting scheduled or random virtual remote video patrols of the property and people on-site. 

Frequently Asked Questions About VirtuGuard™

How long are your contracts? Do you offer a guarantee?

No long-term contracts.  Satisfaction Guaranteed.  We are 100% committed to your satisfaction and all our contracts are month-to-month.  We don’t lock clients into long-term contracts so that you are assured we are giving 100% effort everyday.

We guarantee satisfaction. If you are not happy with the solution, then no charge.

How Do Remote Guarding Services Work?

Remote security guarding services use technology to monitor and secure a property or area from a central location. They have become increasingly popular as a means to replace or augment on-site security officers. Security professionals at a central location use cameras, sensors, and other technology to monitor and respond to security events in real time. When a security event is detected, remote security guards can quickly assess the situation, communicate with on-site personnel, and take appropriate action.

Learn more about Remote Guarding Services

How Much Does Remote Guarding Cost?

The price of VirtuGuard™ interactive remote monitoring services or remote guarding varies based on the needs of your business. Our security services are priced based on the number of video surveillance cameras being monitored on your property, the monthly activity level per security camera, two-way audio services, and the number of remote guard patrols scheduled.

Compared to a human guard, which may cost $25/hour or more for an unarmed security officer, the cost of virtual monitoring can range from $3-$10/hour depending on the level of activity required. So, there is a significant cost saving for clients vs. human guards.

In many cases, we offer a hybrid security solution – fewer human guard hours (only when really needed) backed up by virtual guards to increase effectiveness or broader coverage.

How much does remote gaurding cost?

How virtual security guards enhance on-site security guard services

Where Is VirtuGuard™ Essential?

VirtuGuard™ is essential in areas that are difficult, dangerous or expensive to monitor. Vast areas that are difficult to monitor effectively with foot patrols. Darkened areas that require infrared cameras. Property that is remote or hazardous to guard. Attractive nuisances which can attract and endanger children.

VirtuGuard™ is valued in locations including:

  • Apartment buildings
  • Auto dealerships
  • Cannabis farms
  • Churches
  • Convenience stores
  • Gated communities
  • Junkyards/recycling yards
  • Manufacturing facilities
  • Multi-family housing
  • Office buildings
  • Parking decks or parking lots
  • Quick serve restaurants
  • Truck yards


How Do You Respond to an Incident on Our Property?

VirtuGuard™ virtual security guards respond to incidents on your property in the way that best coincides with your security plan.

First, we recommend installing two-way audio speakers on your property, from which Agents can issue greetings or warnings to guests or trespassers. Audio announcements are effective in scaring off intruders before they can act. By announcing that the intruder is being monitored and recorded or warning that they need to leave the property, Agents can avoid dispatching security officers or law enforcement when not necessary. 

Second, if you have on-site security officers monitoring your property, VirtuGuard™ Agents can communicate with them and direct them to areas of the property where an incident is in progress or has already occurred. 

Third, if there are no audio speakers or on-site security, or if the intruders persist, Command Center Agents will dispatch local law enforcement and alert your emergency contact of the incident. Our Virtual Security Guards will offer to stay on with the law enforcement dispatch and provide live updates to the Officers as they are responding so that they are fully prepared and safer in their response. 

How two-way audio can your enhance remote security services

What Are the Benefits of Remote Guarding vs. Security Guards?

There are advantages to a business having on-site Security Officers, but also to a property being equipped with remote video surveillance monitoring. While cameras are not a replacement for on-premises guards, interactive virtual monitoring services can be utilized virtually anywhere, mitigating the risks and obstacles an on-site guard can face.

With VirtuGuard™ Agents monitoring your properties from our Command Centers 24/7/365, faster response times can be expected. Physical security guards cannot be everywhere at once, leaving blind spots in your security plan; remote guarding solves this problem. Virtual Security Guards can alert on-site security to areas of concern, use two-way audio announcements to deter inappropriate activity, and dispatch local enforcement if necessary. 

Unlike physical security guard foot patrols, criminals cannot case property and observe the patterns of Virtual Security Officers. This prevents suspicious or criminal activities from slipping under the radar. 

Additionally, remote guarding can secure hazardous properties without putting human security guards at risk. This includes high-crime areas, businesses that deal with dangerous materials, confined spaces, and difficult-to-access locations. 

BOS Security believes the best security strategy combines remote and on-site guarding. The quick response and direct engagement of on-premises guards, combined with the mobility, versatility, and affordability of remote surveillance strengthen your property’s security plan. 

What Are Virtual Patrols?

Virtual patrols use cameras, sensors, and other equipment to monitor a site remotely. These devices are strategically placed around the location and connected to a central monitoring system staffed by trained security personnel. The security personnel monitoring the system can then use virtual guard touring software to “patrol” the site remotely, much like an on-site security guard would walk the property. These patrols can be scheduled as frequently as the client would like.

Virtual patrols are valuable not only for identifying security incidents, but also maintenance issues or other concerns for clients.  Our VirtuGuard agents have identified water leaks, broken equipment, trash, or leaking CO2 tanks for clients reducing hazards and losses in unique ways, just as an on-site officer might on their patrol.

Learn more about Virtual Patrols

What Sort of Reports Do You Provide Your Clients?

Any time a security incident occurs on a property, we will send our client point of contact a detailed report. The detailed incident reports include the date and time of the report and the incident, the site where it occurred, and the Agent who drafted the report. Additionally, each report includes a detailed summary of the incident, relevant still images taken from the on-site security cameras, and the locations of the event. Finally, the contact information of the Agent taking the report, the location of the incident, the cameras utilized in the event, and how this incident was initiated. An incident can be initiated by an alarm, a manual/scheduled patrol, or another trigger. 


VirtuGuard™ also sends regular reports that go over alarms triggered and virtual patrol findings.

What Are the Benefits of Having an Audio Speaker and Speech Capabilities With My Cameras?

We recommend that all our VirtuGuard™ clients install two-way audio speakers with speech capabilities on their properties. There are a wide range of situations where audio speakers have proven to be both effective business and security tools. Our VirtuGuard™ team works with each client to create pre-approved scripts for a variety of incidents. These scripts can be delivered through a prerecorded message or directly from a Command Center Agent in real time.

VirtuGuard™ Command Center Agents can trigger prerecorded messages to broadcast on your property, including greetings to staff, customers, or guests when they enter a business, specialty announcements of instructions, site issues, special events, or ongoing deals for customers and guests, and alerting guests that the site is being actively monitored for safety and convenience.

Situations where a live announcement may be most effective include directing calls for assistance, warnings to trespassers or vandals that all activities are being monitored and recorded and asking them to leave the property if the location is currently closed, and if they don’t comply, further action will be taken.

Audio announcements are often enough to deter those with bad intentions. However, if these are not effective, Virtual Security Guards can dispatch on-site security officers or local law enforcement to address an incident on a case-by-case basis.

How Does the Command Center Monitor My Business?

VirtuGuard™ Command Center Agents monitor client properties and businesses by accessing live video surveillance streams and recorded video from security cameras and other infrastructure installed on the property. This security infrastructure, combined with the use of AI (Artificial Intelligence) technology, alerts Agents to activity/events as they occur, in near real time. Command Center Agents will then continue monitoring the incident, reacting accordingly and quickly. 

Another way that VirtuGuard™ monitors your business is through scheduled or random virtual tours. Like a foot patrol conducted by an on-site security guard, a Virtual Security Guard will take a virtual tour of the location by alternating between cameras to get a full view of the property. These can be conducted on a random or scheduled basis and can also be completed unannounced or announced.

How Do You Train VirtuGuard™ Command Center Agents?

VirtuGuard™ Command Center Operators must complete a detailed training program developed by BOS Security Operations Center experts. Agents watch software training videos before being given a step-by-step walkthrough of all programs used in the Command Centers. They will also complete certification training for immix, the software integration platform VirtuGuard™ uses to manage and respond to security events. Finally, they will shadow other Agents and are then shadowed themselves while they learn the system through a hands-on approach. To confirm that our Agents are still operating at the highest level, BOS Security requires Agents to participate in continuous training multiple times a year. 

How Many Cameras Are Each of Your Operators Watching at One Time?

The number of video surveillance cameras a Command Center Agent is watching is constantly changing. Each Virtual Agent will cycle through different client sites with varying numbers of cameras. In addition to frequently switching between sites, Agents respond to live events as they occur. AI (Artificial Intelligence) on a camera triggers an automated 10-second clip when there is any activity on-site. The Agent assigned to the site will then be presented with the clip of the event, to which the Agent will review and react accordingly to.

Why Security cameras are not enough

Who Is Our Point of Contact at the Command Center if I Have a Question or Concern?
Every customer has an Account Manager to assist them with any questions. You can also call the Command Center directly if there is an urgent question about service at your location. Additionally, each site is assigned a unique phone number for a “See Something, Say Something TIP LINE” for on-site staff and guests to call in the case of a concern.
Who Will the VirtuGuard™ Agents Contact If There is a Problem at My Site?
The point of contact will vary by site and the circumstances surrounding an event. Clients can create and customize their own call tree, providing different contacts for varying levels of urgency. Agents follow predetermined protocols customized and approved by each client to handle any type of event. Depending on the incident, Agents will call on-site security officers, local law enforcement, or client contact so that they are updated in real-time with the status of their property. 
What Types of Video Audits Do You Offer?

Several types of video audits exist for different industries, departments, and company concerns. Whether your concern is employee safety, reducing shrinkage, or ensuring legal compliance, VirtuGuard™ from BOS Security has you covered. 

Examples of the audits VirtuGuard™ can customize for your business include: 

  • Compliance Audits 
  • Department Audits 
  • Investigative Audits 
  • Retail Audits, which include Loss Prevention and Merchandising Audits 
  • Housing Audits, including Occupational and Rent Control Audits 
  • Safety Audits 
  • OSHA Compliance Audits and more 

Learn more about video auditing: What Is Video Auditing?

How Can a Video Audit Help My Business?

By implementing regular video auditing, you will improve your business’s profitability and processes, as well as protect your employees, customers, and Business Assets, and gain a greater understanding of your technology’s effectiveness.  

With the data collected, VirtuGuard™ alerts ownership and management of concerns they might not have been aware of. We present our findings and recommendations for improvement, whether it involves employees, management, workplace safety, inconsistency with company policies and procedures, or another host of business concerns. 

Found out more benefits at What is Video Auditing?.

Does BOS Security install security cameras?

No, we do not install cameras. We are happy to work with your integrator that you already have a relationship with OR we are happy to help you find one in your area.  We have an extensive, nationwide network of contacts that we can tap into to find a security camera integrator in your area. 

What security camera systems does VirtuGuard™ work with?

We work with literally dozens and dozens of different commercial security camera systems.  If your system is internet based and was manufactured in the last ten years, we can communicate with it. 


If you are interested in adding security cameras to your property, we are happy to connect you with an integrator in your area that can install quality security cameras that meet your budget.  We have an extensive, nationwide network of contacts that we can tap into to find an integrator in your area.


However, due to the nature of consumer-grade security camera systems like Ring, Nest and SimpliSafe we are limited in what we can do with those cameras and would encourage you to consider a commercial-grade security camera system.

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VirtuGuard™ From BOS Security

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