Request Security Assessment
Our experts can evaluate your security needs and provide tailored solutions.
Gain Peace of Mind With a Comprehensive Security Assessment
The experts at BOS Security can conduct a no-obligation assessment of your current security situation. Please fill out this form with your contact information, the size and location of your facility and any security concerns you wish to discuss. Locations in Athens, Atlanta, and Gainesville.
Please do not use this form to inquire about applying for jobs.
To view current job openings with our company, please visit our job board.
Security Matters
Request Security Assesment
Depend on the Protection of
VirtuGuard™ From BOS Security
Why People Trust BOS Security
They always provide what we need with no issues.
For almost two years, our property has been under the careful watch of BOS Security. On numerous occasions, our guards have gone “above and beyond” to ensure the safety of all of our residents. There’s always lots of activity on Milledge; but night after night we rest easy knowing our dependable BOS guards are on duty. Can’t imagine a more professional group of guards anywhere!
Good service and support provided by Carter Greene!
Their team is knowledgeable and professional in carrying out their duties as well as dealing with the flying public on a daily basis. They are attentive to the TSA Standard Operating Procedures to insure the safety of the nation’s air system. The BOS Team consistently performs extremely well on their test assessments as well as periodic, random internal tests.
Working with BOS has been incredible. They anticipate our needs and always have great understanding to make things better.