Georgia Company Approved to Provide Airport Passenger & Baggage Screening Services for the Department of Homeland Security
On July 27, The Department of Homeland Security and the Transportation Security Administration awarded a Basic Ordering Agreement for Airport Passenger Screening Services to Athens company BOS Security. 78 companies nationwide competed for the opportunity to participate in the Screening Partnership Program and BOS was one of 34 companies selected. BOS Security is now approved to serve airports in the Southeast Region of the country, providing Screener Staff & Supervisors for passenger and baggage checking.
In November 2001, as a response to the terrorist attacks of September 11th, Congress created the Department of Homeland Security and the Transportation Security Administration to federalize the airport screening operations. At the same time, Congress ordered TSA to prepare for the re-privatization, under federal supervision, of these services while insuring the safety of the flying public. TSA is contracting with private security companies to provide personnel and oversee the screening process.
In the first two phases of competition beginning in October 2004, TSA went through an extensive review and analysis of the companies and owners. Financial stability, business success, and professionalism with an emphasis on customer service were important characteristics sought. Additionally, companies must have staff members with Security Clearances to interface with federal law enforcement agencies as a partner in homeland security. Potential partners were required to attend a day long meeting in Washington, DC at TSA Headquarters with TSA staff members including the Director. TSA’s first priority is the safety of the nation’s transportation system, with secondary goals of improving customer service and reducing cost to the taxpayer. Phase 3 is the contracting phase for specific airports.
BOS Security, founded in 1993, is owned by Nathan Carmack and provides professional security services including armed & unarmed personnel as well as consultation throughout Northeast Georgia and with contracts ranging as far as Savannah and Rhode Island.
Other sources of information:
Dept Homeland Security/Transportation Security Administration