When it comes to those you trust to protect you, how do you know who you count on? The quality of guards provided by security companies can be an unknown – one that can leave your people and property vulnerable. At BOS Security, we maintain the highest standards in the industry for every security professional we add to our team. The State of Georgia has licensed us since 1993, and many of our personnel have law enforcement experience.
We go above and beyond to ensure you always have the best people working to protect you. That includes:
Comprehensive interview process
Each interview includes behavioral, situational, and job history questions to learn about the candidate’s past experiences, behaviors, knowledge, skills, and abilities. We also conduct pre-hire surveys that gage personal performance
Behavioral interview questions
A substantial portion of questions are devoted to gaining insight into the candidate’s attitude and temperament to learn how they are likely to respond in the situations they will be presented with on the job.
Reference checks
We ask the candidate to include managers, subordinates, and co-workers in their references to get a well-rounded view of their skills, experience, and personality.
Background checks
Our checks include a criminal background check, reference check, and drug screen.
Psychological assessment
Any guards who will be issued firearms will undergo an additional level of psychological– and those firearms are only for use on-property.
We go beyond the minimum training required for all officers. It includes first aid & CPR, crisis management, and communication skills and is ongoing. The training offered is a combination of online and in-person training.
Full-time training manager
Our training manager’s sole focus is delivering training to security officers. Supervisors also provide training under his direction.
Client-specific training
We can customize our training program to the needs of our clients. The training can be tailored to include information on the unique requirements of the site, specific tasks the officers are expected to do, or any other extra training they want their personnel to have.
Learn more about what sets BOS Security above the competition
The experts at BOS Security are focused on helping to keep people and property 24/7/365. Read more detail on our qualifications and get in touch. We’re here to help you rest easy and feel confident that you are well-protected.