New Training Announced for BOS Security Officers
One of the factors setting BOS Security apart from the competition is our commitment to ongoing training. We begin by recruiting the cream of the
One of the factors setting BOS Security apart from the competition is our commitment to ongoing training. We begin by recruiting the cream of the
Very Good Experience using BOS Security.
Good service and support provided by Carter Greene!
“Recommend BOS Security for your construction site security needs. Their Virtuguard Camera Monitoring Services have consistently demonstrated results in their services and the monitoring of our sites, providing immediate real time support. Virtuguard Camera Monitoring Services has provided us with an economical solution to the rising cost of security staffing while providing consistent staffed monitoring of our sites with call down abilities. Based on our experience, believe BOS Security and Virtuguard Camera Monitoring Services would be an excellent choice for anyone seeking reliable and cost effective security services for construction sites”
Hillpointe, LLC
For almost two years, our property has been under the careful watch of BOS Security. On numerous occasions, our guards have gone “above and beyond” to ensure the safety of all of our residents. There’s always lots of activity on Milledge; but night after night we rest easy knowing our dependable BOS guards are on duty. Can’t imagine a more professional group of guards anywhere!
They always provide what we need with no issues.