Churches have increasingly become a target of attacks. Many people are present on a consistent public schedule for a predictable amount of time when attendees typically have their guard down. This leaves them vulnerable to everything from theft to hate crimes to terrorist attacks. Recently BOS Security trained a local church security group on use-of-force, de-escalation, and on a firearms simulator to teach them to protect themselves.
Churches Need to Protect their People
De-escalation training is valuable in preventing a potentially volatile situation from getting out of hand. Use of force training gives church security them a means of self-defense if threatened and the firearm simulator provides safety and proficiency if the worst-case scenario arises and the use of firearms is required. Training ensures weapons are used properly and assailants are not able to take control of them and turn them on congregants.
BOS Security was Happy to Help
BOS worked with Mark Sizemore, the Chief of the Clarke County Schools Police Department and head of the security group for his church, Beech Haven Baptist Church. He is a former associate of our Vice President Carter Greene. Upon learning BOS Security had the simulator and training available in Use of Force, De-Escalation, and Judgmental Shooting Skills.
Experts Conduct the Training
The training was conducted by a veteran trainer with 15 years of training experience in the law enforcement field as a Georgia POST certified Senior Training Instructor and a Georgia POST certified Firearms Instructor. He is also certified by the Georgia Secretary of State’s Office as a Classroom and Firearms Instructor for Private Detectives and Security Agencies.
BOS plans to offer this service to other church groups to promote safety and security for their facilities. Training is also available to public safety agencies that do not have their own simulator training facility.
BOS Security can help you create a protection plan.
We help organizations keep people and property safe. If you would like to know more about what we can do for you, please contact the experts at BOS Security today.