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How To Secure Your Corporate Retreat

There’s no doubt that when it comes to security requirements at the office or work site you need a comprehensive solution that carries Class A office protection to your staff and assets, but what do you do about your corporate retreats and off-site engagements? If you are the operator of the corporate retreat you need to provide this level of security to your clients and their guests.

If you a the client or the customer of the corporate retreat venue you need to make sure this security is there, or make sure you bring it with you to the venue.

Staying secure at the off-site venue is just as important as it is at the work site regardless of what they may be. A corporate retreat can often have more visitors to deal with than just employees and their security is critically important to your operations.

There is nothing worse than having a guest of your company be the victim of a crime on your watch so don’t take any risks around their safety and security and see how we at BOS Security can help you to cover your security needs beyond the main site of your operations and into your extended dealings and off-site corporate retreats.

Ideally you should engage the same services provider for both on site at home security and your off-site engagements to ensure a smooth flow of operations from different locations and a continuity of services. This will keep your employees familiar with established security protocol and norms from your base to your outside engagements.

Also you gain the benefit of having a security platform that is consistent across your operations so guests and visitors know what to expect from your high standards of security, this will strongly reflect on the professionalism of your operations and business.

Visitor Access Control is the most important aspect of a secured environment and while having at the office is important making sure you have the same layer of security at the corporate retreat is essential also, while some businesses use a guest book to sign in and out the security hole here is a massive problem for a professional workplace.

Major issues around using an old sign in book or guest book related around the inconsistency of data presented for record keeping purposes, if the book is unattended anyone can sign in with any name they want from any business, especially important for corporate customers you need to closely monitor who is coming and going and to check ID matches with the entry in the guest log, this can even come down to hand writing quality, if you can’t read it it’s no good. This creates major security holes as competitors may be able to gain entry to your corporate retreat.

Having a BOS Security operation in place will ensure ID’s are thoroughly checked and no unwanted access to your service is granted.

BOS Security Officers are mostly ex-law enforcement trained so engaging your BOS Security at your corporate retreat will ensure the same high level of alertness and awareness you would expect of a law enforcement officer protecting the grounds, the gates, the entry and exits and the internal security of your corporate retreat to make sure there’s no incidences of theft from your staff or guests, assault or unwanted entry, You should never skip on providing half a security solution to your staff, guests and their safety and belongings because you take your corporate image with you even when you go off-site for a Corporate Retreat.

How BOS Security Can Help You

There’s many aspects of BOS Security services that will cover your off-site Corporate Retreat needs, these include the visitor access control but we also provide you with commercial level security at the gate to monitor deliveries. We will also be able to provide protection on the grounds so there’s no unwanted intruders onto the retreat site, this will keep your guests, visitors, staff and the company image for security, dependability and reliability intact and assist you to be the most secure and caring company for all of your stakeholders.

You know you have the best officer’s available with BOS Security provides high level security for the federal government and we can provide you the security you need.

More information is only a click away. If you haven’t already click here to talk to us about a security needs assessment for an inclusive look at your whole operation and security needs. It doesn’t matter if you are a corporate operation yourself or you run the corporate retreat you need to have the security in place.


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