Today’s security officer is required to remain up to date in the protocol and technology of many related fields. They also need appropriate skills in communicating clearly and dealing with people with compassion.
Security officers are often put into high-stress situations and must remain calm and collected during a security incident. Behind the uniform of a BOS Security officer, you’ll find an extremely high degree of training and preparation. They are often former law enforcement officers, which means they bring years of training and community service to their duties with BOS Security.
Let’s cover some of the essential elements of a security officer’s duties and the critical benefits they bring to the communities and businesses they serve.
Prevention Of Damage And Protection Of Property And People
One of the critical responsibilities of the security officer is preventing crime and harm to both people and property. The security officer is a crucial element in fulfilling your responsibility as an organization to keep your employees, visitors, stakeholders and guests safe from damage.
Tied closely with this responsibility is reducing liability, thus controlling insurance costs and reducing the risk of expensive lawsuits, which is critical for any business.
Being Visible Is Being There
Visibility is important for a security officer. Perhaps one of the most significant advantages of securing your business with BOS Security is the deterrence factor. Being aware you have robust security in place is often enough to deter petty criminal damage and also helps your staff and guests feel safe.
Visible security also projects an image to your community that you value their safety and value your business enough to protect it with the best security guards in Atlanta, BOS!
Vigilance Means Prevention
BOS Security officers are vigilant and will not miss security risks, vulnerabilities, or unusual behavior patterns. Trained in the latest security techniques, your BOS Security officer is highly skilled and attuned to the environment, observing their post with attention to detail to further reduce risks to your assets.
Observance And Reporting
Should a security breach occur, the security officer is responsible for observing and responding and the meticulous reporting, analysis, and enhancement processes that follow any security incident or disturbance.
One of the important lessons that your business can learn from security-related events is how to prevent them in the future, reduce risks and increase safety. BOS Security will be able to review any event that may occur and work diligently to prevent further breaches.
Teamwork And Getting Help
In the event of serious crime and danger, such as armed robbery, burglary or assault, your security officer is required to send for backup. Police should be notified, and BOS Security will involve relevant services as needed. Every incident will be seen through to completion to the satisfaction of all stakeholders and the law.
In some cases, on-site security officers work with remote guards who monitor the site from a central location. They can inform the officer of dangers that may be outside of their line of sight. Officers can also ask remote guards to check out specific areas for them if a camera is located nearby. This collaboration keeps guards safer and can improve the real-time incident response rate.
BOS Security officers are trained to work with your existing staff and stakeholders to ensure seamless operations within your business. Security guards shouldn’t be a burden to your operations but keep things moving smoothly while providing A-Grade security and protection.
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Where To Go From Here?
Head to our security needs assessment page to find out what type of security protection you need from BOS Security. With a security needs assessment, we can find out exactly what your security requirements are and how best to implement them into your operations.
Don’t forget to take a quick look at the security services offered by BOS security, including our VirtuGuard™ remote guarding services and some of the latest surveillance tactics. Contact us if you have any further questions at 404-793-6965; we’d love to answer any questions or queries you have about BOS Security and our services.