Today’s advanced video surveillance technology, properly applied to the security industry, is revolutionizing how security companies protect our clients. With access to our clients’ security cameras BOS Security’s Remote Security Officers can virtually protect your property anywhere in the world.
VirtuGuard™ solves common security issues for apartment community owners by combining artificial intelligence, high-definition cameras, access control systems, and live monitoring by our team of highly trained Virtual Security Officers. VirtuGuard™ remote guarding for apartment complexes addresses theft, break-ins, vandalism and trespassing. Through Voice Down Live Communication our Officers quickly resolve simple rule violations or stop criminals in action, before your property is damaged or tenants injured.
VirtuGuard™ remote guarding enables our Virtual Security Officers to observe your entire property with smart technology. Our Officers can distinguish between ordinary and suspicious activities. When they observe activity outside the norm, our Virtual Security Officers quickly resolve the situation by warning the intruder, encouraging them to leave the area before they act. Should a trespasser ignore our Security Officer’s warnings, then we immediately contact local law enforcement. Our Security Officers work directly with local law enforcement, providing detailed updates on the criminal’s whereabouts, activity and description, facilitating the arrest.
Remote Guarding Stops Theft
Automobile and property theft are continuing issues at many apartment complexes. BOS Security’s VirtuGuard™ remote guarding service stops theft before it happens. Trespassers are identified by our Security Officers via your apartment complex’s video surveillance system and are audibly called out and instructed to leave the premises. If circumstances warrant, local law enforcement is contacted to respond and apprehend the criminal. Our Security Officers provide detailed descriptions and live updates to police dispatch as they respond.
Remote Guarding Stops Break-ins
Tenants expect to live in peaceful communities, free from security concerns. When repeated break-ins occur, residents do not feel safe and unit turnover increases. When a suspicious person is spotted on your property by our Virtual Security Officers, we immediately address them and resolve the issue. Remote guarding puts an end to break-ins.
Remote Guarding Stops Loitering/trespassing
Whether its innocent kids or criminals with bad intent, loitering and trespassing are continuing problems for apartment complexes. Suspicious people lurking in your community give residents concern. Our Virtual Security Officers identify people that do not belong and use Voice Down Live Communication to address trespassers and encourage them to leave the property immediately. Once word spreads that your property is protected under a blanket of active surveillance, these unwanted visitors will find other places to congregate.
Remote Guarding Stops Tailgating
Tailgating through entrances is a common problem for properties that have gated entries or controlled doorways. When your residents, staff or contract workers allow individuals to enter behind them it invites problems to your apartment community. VirtuGuard™ remote guarding puts a stop to tailgating by enforcing entry procedures. True access control means that potential criminals are stopped from entering your community in the first place.
Remote Guarding Stops Vandalism
Vandalism at your apartment complex increases the turnover in leases on your property. Residents expect to feel safe and vandalism builds the impression of an unsafe neighborhood for families. Whether its graffiti, damaged equipment, doors or windows damaged during attempted or successful break-ins, or other vandalism, the cost of repairs to your property quickly add up. Vandalism invites more serious criminal activity. BOS’ VirtuGuard™ remote guarding service identifies and addresses these potential vandals before they cause damage to your property.
Remote Guarding Stops Frivolous lawsuits
Frivolous lawsuits are costly for apartment community owners. VirtuGuard™ remote guarding provides 24/7 video and audio surveillance that shows everything that happened during an incident. If someone claims a fake injury or damage to their property, you have all the evidence you need to successfully fight the claim.
Related Post: Must-Have Apartment Cameras for Maximum Security
On-Site Security Guards versus Remote Guarding
Many multi-family properties employee onsite security guards or courtesy officers. An onsite guard is simply not able to monitor or patrol the entire property at once. While they are on one side of the property, the criminals are watching and acting on the other side of the property. Courtesy officers are living their life in their apartments and not watching your property all the time. Working together, Virtual Security Officers can guide an on-site Security Officer to more effectively address issues on your property. Remote guarding’s combination of advanced technology and trained Security Officers removes the risks and shortcomings that come with onsite human guards alone and at a much lower cost.
BOS Security’s VirtuGuard™ service gives you peace of mind that your property and residents are protected. Click here to learn more about VirtuGuard™ today.