With the growth of the cannabis industry across our nation also comes new security concerns to be addressed. Virtual Guarding (aka remote guarding) is an important tool in protecting your cannabis grow or dispensary. With tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars of valuable product spread out over potentially acres of area, cannabis industry security is no small task.
Most cannabis dispensaries or grow facilities will tend to opt for the traditional human guard patrolling the property. This may have been enough in the past, but by today’s standards that is outdated. The unique challenges of a large cannabis grow operation especially expose the flaws in this outdated solution.
Criminals are smart and they are not going to let a lone security guard patrolling the property get in their way. They will watch for patterns in patrols and then move in to strike while the security guard is on the other side of the property. On the other hand, an on-site security guard backed up by the constant overwatch of a virtual security officer monitoring your video cameras brings a whole new level of protection to your facility.
Virtual Guarding (or remote guarding) brings the benefits of constant video surveillance of your cannabis grow facility or dispensary at a minimal cost compared to hiring another security guard. These virtual security guards can quickly check all the video cameras on your property in a manner of minutes. Additionally, today’s technology adds the benefits of motion sensing, heat sensing, and even LIDAR and RADAR detection capabilities to your video surveillance system. This means that when any of these sensors are tripped, the virtual security officer protecting your facility is immediately notified. That virtual security guard gets a brief video clip of what happened as well as a live view of the camera. They can immediately assess the situation and respond appropriately, calling in the on-site human guard, addressing the situation themselves with audio capability or even calling in law enforcement.
When your virtual security officer calls in law enforcement, they can assist the dispatcher with detailed descriptions and locations of the perpetrators before the responding officers arrive as well as throughout the search and arrest, directing the officers to the exact location of each perpetrator, insuring a successful arrest.
The cannabis industry may be relatively new, but that doesn’t mean you deserve less. Call on the virtual guarding experts at BOS Security for assistance with your cannabis industry security needs. Our team will work with you to put together a plan that meets the unique needs of your grow operation or dispensary.