A luxury student apartment complex near the University of Georgia had been utilizing onsite BOS Security Officers for years to patrol and secure the property. Consisting of three residential high rises and a parking garage, the size of the property was too large for the Security Officers to secure and patrol effectively. To reduce blind spots and aide the Physical Guards, property management added VirtuGuard™ interactive video monitoring to their existing security plan.
Around 4 o’clock in the morning, VirtuGuard™ Agents were conducting a regularly scheduled guard tour of the three-building complex when they observed a male enter the Building 2 elevator. Agents concluded that he was confused and possibly homeless. He exited the elevator on the sixth floor and began to wander the hallway.
After observing the man enter the elevator, VirtuGuard™ Agents called the off-duty residential police officer and the local police line. While the off-duty police officer was putting on his uniform and other local police were on the way, VirtuGuard™ Agents continued to monitor the man’s movement via security cameras. Agents stayed on the phone call with the residential police officer, keeping him updated on the trespasser’s location and behavior as he began his search. Another responding on-duty police officer arrived, and they made their way up to the sixth floor. VirtuGuard™ instructed them on where to go from there. They approached the man and instructed him to place his bag and other belongings on the ground while they questioned him. Soon after, the police officers led the man onto the elevator and out of the building. The residential officer told VirtuGuard™ that the man was barred from the property for trespassing and that he would be arrested if he came back on the property. After the incident was resolved, Agents reviewed the video footage to find that the entrance door was either unlocked or malfunctioning, which allowed the man to enter the building. VirtuGuard™ reported the unsecured door to the property managers and continued to monitor the entrance area carefully.